Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Positive customer experiences

One of the things that’s really cool about working for IQ Services is the customer experience we get.

Because we test systems remotely – from the outside in, just like your customers use them – we very rarely go on-site. Not that we haven’t. But the vast majority of the time we just don’t do it because we don’t have to. The upside to this methodology is our customers don’t have to do anything to their systems for us to be able to test or monitor. They don’t have to get us security credentials to be onsite. And because travel & shipping aren’t required, it’s all very cost-effective.

The downside is we don’t meet our customers face-to-face. Not that that’s required in today’s virtual world. But it’s just friendlier when you can look someone in the eye, read their body language, and get to know them on a more personal level. Especially when you go through the wringer with them like we often do during performance testing engagements at 3am on a Saturday.

Now the exception to all this is trade shows. IQ Services exhibits at something like 14 or 15 trade shows each year. It’s our chance to find out what’s on customers’ minds, the new trends in the industry and of course generate new leads. But then there’s this other thing that happens almost all the time – I’ll be going through my pitch with a new prospect and somebody will stroll up, badge flipped so you can’t read the name, the way they always are. And as I get to the punch line or value prop, the “stranger” pipes in with something like “You should use these guys – they really help out a lot. Let me tell you what I learned…”

And then they go into their story, and start selling for us.

Like I said, it’s really cool! This happens at almost every trade show, sometimes more than once. Let’s face it…we have a very narrow niche and a really obscure service. When someone comes over to meet us & gets rolling with our sales pitch, it’s really neat. One year a very grateful customer wandered over, dropped to his knees & bowed down in front of our booth. That got some real attention! We had no idea who he was until he spoke - now that’s a customer experience worth savoring!

Mike Burke
6601 Lyndale Ave South, #330
Minneapolis, MN 55423

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