I’ve been in telecom a long, long time. This train of thought led to memories of those ads in Telephony Magazine circa 1975 that showed the masses of phone lines & wires that appeared a couple of decades after Alexander made that first call to Mr. Watson. As you old timers will no doubt remember, there were separate dial-tone providers and networks and no mechanism to go between them. So they each strung their own wires, and if you really wanted to speak with your Aunt Bertha, on Scott Rice Telecom, and you had already installed Frontier, you had to put in a second phone and a new connection to your home!
So here we are again – multiple networks, multiple IDs, multiple devices, multiple personalities. Something of a zoo methinks. Better? Sure! But I have to believe that what happened 100 years ago is bound to repeat. Google’s on the path with its Google Voice service. Perhaps SIP is the mechanism that will make it all possible. What can be done for chat? Who knows.
Mike Burke

6601 Lyndale Ave South, #330
Minneapolis, MN 55423
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